Canine Catering

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Canine Catering

When your dog is a little constipated

Any dog can get a little constipated if they eat commercial kibble.  We have some tips for spotting the early signs, and natural easy fixes.  Hopefully this will get things moving again within a day. 

Signs of constipation:

  • scooting (dragging bottom along the floor)
  • circling, trying and failing
  • less interest in food
  • not pooping every day
  • straining to poop
  • hard, dry poops
  • small amounts of runny poop (breakthrough diarrhoea). 
Natural easy fixes :
  • encourage more water.  Constipation is often dehydration.  
  • Offer seedless watermelon (remove the rind!)  Watermelon flesh is largely water with added fibre. Perfect!
  • go for a walk. Exercise stimulates the bowel.
  • tinned sardines work a treat (check for no added salt)
  • mash some cooked pumpkin into meals 

To help stop constipation recurring,  add a little extra fibre long-term, such as raw grated carrot.  Cooked pumpkin adds fibre and moisture. 

This advice assumes a healthy dog with mild constipation and no underlying causes. It’s not a substitute for veterinary advice. If your dog isn’t pooping normally in a day, has medical conditions or doesn’t seem in good health, speak to your vet.  


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