Canine Catering

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Canine Catering

Snug as a bug on a budget

Getting too cold can be as dangerous for dogs as it is for us. Seniors, puppies and short-coated breeds are the most vulnerable. There are myriad coats, fluffy beds, and accessories to choose from, but you don’t need to spend big, or at all.   
Here’s how to keep your dog warm, on a budget.
1. Let your dog indoors.   It’s the best shelter.  If you’re renting, and dogs aren’t allowed inside, see below *)
2. Grab your scissors and an old pair of tights (for small dogs) or leggings or a sweatshirt (for bigger dogs).   Cut off one sleeve or leg to the length of your dog, then cut out 2 holes for his/her front legs. Ta-da! You’ve made a dog coat in an instant, without sewing or knitting. An example can be found here –
3. Elevate bedding. If you put your hand an inch over a floor tile, you can feel the cold. A layer of insulation (old cushion, folded blanket) under the bed will make all the difference.  
3. Position the bedding away from draughts or windows.  Lots of heat is lost from windows, and on rainy days the condensation can make bedding damp. 
4. Add a loose throw, blanket, or old wool jumper, for your dog to snuggle under to keep their back warm.
5. Don’t leave your dog with wet fur. Wash with warm water, and either blow-dry or towel dry and snuggle by the heating. Of course, dogs should always be supervised around fires and heaters.  
6. Like people, dogs may feel extra hungry, as they’re using more energy to stay warm.  We love our winter comfort foods here, but even we reluctantly acknowledge, don’t overdo it  🙂
 * If your dog isn’t allowed inside,  you’ll probably need to spend money for a kennel.  Only buy one with an off-centre doorway, for better protection from weather. You can then improve it for free – create a door flap by attaching thick fabric or sackcloth.  Put in thick layers of blankets and cushions.  Damp blankets are worse than useless, so keep the kennel out of the weather, and check the bedding is dry, every day. 

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