Canine Catering

Picture of Canine Catering

Canine Catering

Adding grated cheese to the kibble?

Who hasn’t felt sorry for our furry friend looking dejectedly at the same-old ultra-processed ‘food’.  It’s either dry and aroma-less, or it’s foul-smelling slops.

So you mix in a little BBQ chicken to try to make it more palatable. Because we all want to see our furry friend enjoying life, and one of life’s great pleasures is good food.

Most dog food ingredients are gross, frankly. They have to be cooked at ultra-high temperatures to kill the bacteria.  Then the preservatives are added to keep it all shelf-stable.   Who would eat it unless there was no alternative?

Unfortunately, you’ve probably discovered that your pooch carefully picks out the cheese or chicken, and hangs on until there’s obviously nothing else better coming along.    Kibble is a last resort.

If you have time to cook regularly, all the equipment you need is a burner/stovetop and a pan.

Low temperature cooking preserves:


flavour                                    All the things that get the tastebuds going!


It preserves nutrients, and makes them easier to absorb. And it’s gentler on the digestive system than raw food.

For the high standards and health benefits of home cooking – without the time and mess – subscribe to a meal delivery service that promises gently cooking of solely human-grade ingredients.

Shop our gourmet meals here

Image by rorozoa on Freepik


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