Canine Catering

Picture of Canine Catering

Canine Catering

The dog’s eye view. Not so black and white.

It’s a common misconception that dogs only see in black and white.  Various studies since the 1980s have found that to be false.  Not only do dogs also see shades of grey, they also see colours. Dogs, like most mammals, have dichromatic vision, which means they can see yellow and blue, but not red and green.  So if you’re throwing a ball on the lawn, throw a blue one! 

Dogs don’t see the vibrancy and depth of tones that we experience. And they can’t see as clearly as us at distances, so the world is blurrier for them. But before you feel sorry for them, remember they can see six times better than us in low light.  And their superpowered sense of smell is used for everything from spatial awareness, social communication, even detecting changes in emotion or sensing disease.  Veterinary opthalmologist Paul Miller in Scientific American, posits that dogs may even be able to smell in 3D! 

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